An idiosyncratic and non sequitorial examination of the contents of one head.

Monday, May 03, 2004

short term stress reliever

I got freaked out and overwhelmed today.

To break that mode, I tried shouting and throwing things. (Yes, I am three.) It made things worse. I got more worked up.

So I started walking down residential streets enumerating aloud the things that I hate: getting parking tickets, bureacracy, cilantro, people who don't wait their turn at 4-way stops .... Never lingering just enumerating with each step.

After a while I ran out of personal hatreds and I started listing things that my friends hate. From there it went to things I have heard strangers say that they hate and things I could envision being hateful. I walked through hate, dislike, annoyance, irritation, distastefullness, arbitrary personal preferences and kept walking until I reached ridiculous. I started to laugh.

I'm sure it is healthier to meditate, but who can sit still for that long?

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